Counter Threat Symposium

In two weeks, Scanna will be exhibiting at the Counter Threat Symposium, taking place at Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre. This is a joint initiative between the CBRN UK, Counter Explosive Ordnance UK (Counter-EO UK) and the Drone Platform and Counter Drone UK (DPAC UK) Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of ADS.

This event will bring together professionals from various sectors (such as the humanitarian sector, end users, policy makers, suppliers and buyers from UK and overseas) to discuss the latest developments and demands across various counter-threat domains.

This is looking to be a very interesting event, with speakers from the Government (Home Office & Homeland Security), MoD, DE&S, Dstl, Embassy of Ukraine, US JPEO, National Preparedness Commission, Police National CBRN Centre, Dcomd 29 EOD&S Group, CHC Global, Praetorian Connection, UKHSA, Babcock, Cranfield University & ADS.

To book your ticket, use the link below:

Counter Threat Symposium 2023 - ADS Group